Project Reporting

The following downloads will assist with preparing reports and financial statements for APRIL.

Publication and Presentation Approval Request Form

The Australasian Pork Research Institute Ltd. supports distribution of research findings and outcomes. However, prior approval of project information is required to protect APRIL’s investment, avoid any potential legal or intellectual property risks and breaches, and maximise advantage to the Australasian pork Industry.

All requests to present information must be received by APRIL via the Publication and Presentation Approval Request Form (below) at least 7 working days before the intended disclosure of the information. No disclosure of information may proceed without the prior approval from APRIL.

For further information and to submit your request form, contact Dr Charles Rikard-Bell on

APRIL Project Variation Form

The Project Variation Form should be used when requesting a variation to an existing project. Please note that the granting of Extension requests is not guaranteed, and all applications may be put forward to the Research & Development Advisory Committee for a recommendation. Each case will be granted on its merits and benefits to APRIL’s Program and Priorities.

Submit the completed form to Dr Charles Rikard-Bell ( or as described in your project contract.

APRIL Project Quarterly Report

APRIL projects require a quarterly report 2 weeks after the end of each quarter. Quarter end dates are as follows: 31st March; 30th June; 30th September; 31st December.

Use this Quarterly Report Template for reporting on your project’s progress.

Submit the completed form to Dr Charles Rikard-Bell ( or as described in your project contract.

APRIL Cash Expenditure Report

APRIL projects require a quarterly cash expenditure report 2 weeks after the end of each quarter. Quarter end dates are as follows: 31st March; 30th June; 30th September; 31st December.

Use this Cash Expenditure Template in conjunction with the Project Quarterly Report to report on the cash expenditure of your project.

Submit the completed form to Dr Charles Rikard-Bell ( or as described in your project contract.

APRIL Final Reports

The Project Leader must provide a Final Report and a Project Summary to APRIL by the Project Completion Date.

Submit the completed forms to Dr Charles Rikard-Bell ( or as described in your project contract.