APRIL Board Members
Dr Tony Peacock FTSE FAICD – Independent Chairman

Chief Executive Officer of the Canberra-based Cooperative Research Centres Association since 2010, Dr Peacock is a former Managing Director of the Pig Research and Development Corporation and was CEO of a successful CRC for a decade. A reproductive scientist, he holds a Bachelor degree in agriculture and a PhD in veterinary science from the University of Sydney. He has board experience with start-ups, is a passionate advocate for applied research and has an outstanding track record in collaboration, science communication, research partnerships and effective innovation systems.
Board Members
Ms Margo Andrae

Margo has been CEO of Australian Pork Limited since 1 August 2019. Prior to commencing with APL, Margo held positions with Cattle Council of Australia, CSIRO, University of NSW, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation and QLD Local Government. She has extensive experience and networks across primary industries, regional Australia and research environments through these roles.
Margo has extensive experience in stakeholder engagement, marketing, communications, business.
Professor Robert van Barneveld B.Agr.Sc. (Hons), PhD, RAnNutr, FAICD

Professor Robert van Barneveld is Group CEO and Managing Director of Sunpork Group of Companies, which includes Sunpork Farms, Sunpork Fresh Foods, Swickers Kingaroy Bacon Factory and Sunpork Solutions. He is also a Non-Executive Director of Ridley Corporation, Deputy Chair of Autism CRC Ltd, Chairman of Social Skills Training Pty Ltd and a Director of Roseworthy Piggery Pty Ltd. He is a former Director of Australian Pork Ltd and Porkscan Pty Ltd. He has a PhD in pig nutrition and has worked as a consultant scientist and nutritionist in Australia and overseas for the past 20 years.
Professor Frank Dunshea B.Agric. Sci., PhD, FNSA, FAPSA, FASAP, RAnNutr.

Professor Frank Dunshea has had a research career spanning 35 years in farm animal and biomedical research. His area of expertise is in growth physiology and nutrition and understanding the interactions between the animal and the animal’s environment. Frank has focused much of his recent research on biomedicine and functional foods. His research has had a high scientific impact and the results of much of his research have been rapidly adopted by industry. He has maintained a balanced approach to research, combining fundamental with applied research, providing commercial and public good outcomes. Frank is committed to ensuring that all animal industries operate in a responsible and sustainable manner and much of his work has focussed on improving efficiency through reducing inputs and outputs while maintaining product quality and consumer health.
Mr Neil Ferguson B.Bus (Agric)
Neil is CEO of Westpork, a multisite pork operation in Western Australia. He is also Chairman of the Western Australian Agricultural Produce Commission – Pork Committee and a member of Pork Training WA and Pork Innovation Western Australia. Currently an APL Delegate, he was also an APL Director for three years. He holds a Bachelor of Agribusiness. Neil commenced his current role in 1997. Before his involvement in the pork industry, he worked in the stockfeed and chicken industries.
Ms Su McCluskey FCPA, B.Com, MAICD

Su is a highly experience senior executive and non-executive director. She is a Director of Australian Unity and the Foundation for Young Australians, Chairman of Energy Renaissance, a Commissioner for International Agricultural Research and a member of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration. Su was recently a member of the Review Panel for the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission Legislation and the Small Business Digital Taskforce. She was also a member of the Independent Review Panel for CPA Australia, the Harper Review of Competition Policy and the Regional Telecommunications Independent Review.
Su’s experience and expertise includes strong leadership, strategic thinking, financial management, policy, governance, advocacy and analytical skills. She has been a highly effective change manager in both the government and private sectors and has excellent networks across all levels of government and industry. Su was named the Westpac/Australian Financial Review Regional Women of Influence in 2013 and received the Women in Agribusiness award in 2014 for outstanding contribution to policy development.
Su was the inaugural CEO of the Regional Australia Institute, taking it from a start-up company to be the leading voice on regional issues, underpinned by solid research and evidence-based policy. Prior to this, Su was the CEO of the Council of Rural Research and Development Corporations and the Executive Director of the Office of Best Practice Regulation. Su has held senior positions with the Business Council of Australia, the National Farmers’ Federation and the Australian Taxation Office. Su is also a beef cattle farmer at Yass, NSW.
Su’s professional qualifications include a Fellow Certified Practising Accountant (FCPA), Bachelor of Commerce (University of Canberra) and Member Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD).
Dr Rebecca Morrison BAg Sci (Hons), PhD, Dip Mgt.

Dr Rebecca Morrison is the Research, Innovation and Animal Welfare Manager for the JBS Pork Division, Australia and has 25 years of experience in the Australian and USA pig industry and universities, leading research teams, delivering impactful research and new products (encompassing pig production and food innovation), and education. Previously, Rebecca was the Sustainable Swine Production Systems Scientist at the University of Minnesota, USA.
Rebecca is actively involved in the Australian industry and is an APL Delegate, a member of the APL Animal Welfare Reference Group, and past representative on the APRIL R&D Advisory Committee. Rebecca holds technical expertise in animal welfare and behaviour, reproduction, nutrition, health, genetics, meat science and new product development. Rebecca provides the Australian pig industry with opportunities for future enhancement in animal welfare, by utilising her internationally recognised animal welfare expertise.
Rebecca has exceptional relationship management skills, positively influences people at all levels, and is committed to ensuring sustainability and profitability of Australasian pork production-with an unwavering passion for the pigs and the people that care for them.
Ms Gail Owen

Ms Owen is an experienced chairperson and Board member, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and an Order of Australia medal recipient. Gail is a lawyer specialising in commercial and energy law. Ms Owen is also Chair of the Victorian Fisheries Authority and Independent Chair of the Victorian Institute of Teaching’s Audit, Risk Management and Finance Committee. In her role on the APL Board, Ms Owen is Chair of the Audit, Risk and Corporate Governance and a member of the Industry Integrity Committee.
APRIL Executive
CEO/Chief Scientist
Professor John Pluske BSc (Agric) (Hons), PhD (UWA), RAnNutr., R. Anim. Sci.
Dr John Pluske is Chief Scientist and CEO of APRIL, and holds a position as Honorary Professorial Fellow at The University of Melbourne. Dr Pluske’s research and academic career spanning in excess of 30 years has focused predominately on the nutrition and digestive physiology of pigs, particularly piglets and weanling pigs.
Other research interests encompass alternatives to antimicrobials in pig diets, sow nutrition, role of nutrition and the environment in modifying immune function and the gastrointestinal microbiota, feedstuff evaluation, and controlling enteric diseases in pigs without antimicrobials.
P.O. Box 466, Willaston, South Australia, 5118
T: +61 8 9360 2012 | M: 0410 436 871
E: j.pluske@april.org.au| www.april.org.au
Manager, Commercialisation and Research Impact
Dr Charles Rikard-Bell BSc.Agr, MSc, PhD
As Manager, Commercialisation and Research Impact for APRIL, Dr Rikard-Bell is responsible for the commercialisation of intellectual property (IP) generated by the company. Charles worked in UK, Belgium and USA as a pig geneticist before returning to Australia to work with a multinational animal health company for 11 years, holding technical, sales and marketing roles in Australia and Asia Pacific. Charles gained his PhD in nutrition and biology through the CRC for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry.
T: +61 8 8313 7973 | M: 0439 513 723 | F: +61 8 8313 7686
E: c.rikardbell@april.org.au| www.april.org.au
Company Secretary
Ms Sally Vardy GAICD, FGIA, FCA

Sally is a highly experienced and versatile finance and governance professional with significant Board and Committee experience. She has over 15 years’ experience as a professional Company Secretary and CFO for a range of CRC and other organisations. She is an excellent communicator of finance and governance matters to interdisciplinary teams, especially those in science and technical professions. Sally has significant experience setting the financial strategy and monitoring performance in a variety of NFP organisations (ACNC registered charities, lobby groups and membership bodies) and medical, hospitality, construction and technology start-up SME businesses. Sally has held several Board roles in community and NFP organisations, and has operated her own external CFO consulting firm, Beyond Your Numbers PL, for 25 years.