Australasian Pork Research Institute Limited (APRIL) research and development projects for 2018/19 to enhance the competiveness and sustainability of the Australasian pork industry have now been announced.
APRIL funded projects to a total value of more than $900,000. All successful applicants have now been advised, with all providing an additional 20 to 25 per cent cash contribution to the APRIL funding. APRIL’s three programs cover resilience, cost and return on assets.
Under resilience, it sought proposals on the more judicious use of antibiotics, antimicrobial resistance and novel assessment of animal welfare. Under cost it sought proposals to help the Australian pork industry reduce reliance on more conventional feed ingredients and help insulate the industry from global grain and soybean markets.
APRIL’s target is to reduce average feed cost by 10 per cent and cost of production by 40 cents, based on ‘current’ ingredient prices. The return on assets program covers new science to markedly enhance reproduction and progeny health and performance.
Roger Campbell, Interim CEO of APRIL, said the supported projects would provide new insights into antibiotic resistance and how this might be avoided, the role of enzymes and ingredients on the gut microbiome and some out of the box means of enhancing performance and reducing cost.
“I am optimistic about the projects being game changers and excited about them getting underway,” Dr Campbell said.